Barriers for access control
Automated barrier control to increase corporate security
Our strength: integration of hardware into our processes, for automatic and rule-based control according to your requirements.
Access control on a company premises plays an important role in corporate security. One way to provide this control is to install barriers at entrances to parking lots and parking garages. Barriers can help increase the safety of employees and property and keep unwanted vehicles, such as trucks or cars, off the premises. Durch die automatisierte Steuerung und die Integration unserer Softwarelösungen können Unternehmen die Zufahrtskontrolle noch weiter verbessern.
Automatisierte Steuerung von Schranken
Automated barriers offer companies numerous advantages. They can be controlled in an automated way by connecting to our software solutions and are particularly useful for companies that have many vehicles on their premises. Automated control allows barriers to be opened and closed quickly and effectively. This saves time and increases efficiency.
Integration of barriers your access processes
The integration of barriers into our software solutions can help to increase corporate security even further. By connecting barriers with LPR cameras, authorized vehicles can be granted automated access. Das erleichtert die Zufahrtskontrolle und minimiert Risiken.
Choosing the right barriers for the company premises
The choice of the right barriers depends on the requirements of the company. It is important that the barriers are reliable and easy to operate. Integration with other security systems such as alarm systems or surveillance cameras can also play a role.
Companies should also consider the size of vehicles using the premises when selecting barriers. For businesses with many trucks or other large vehicles, wider barriers are needed to keep traffic flowing.
The areas of application are diverse – design your processes!
Barriers are an important component in corporate security. They can help control traffic flow, keep out unwanted vehicles, and increase the safety of employees and property. Companies can further improve access control through automated control and integration of our software solutions.
For example, LPR cameras integrate beautifully with our access control solutions, because LPR cameras are an extremely useful technology that enables automatic license plate recognition of vehicles. They offer numerous advantages and find application in many areas. Contact us if you are interested in LPR cameras to increase security on your premises or in your company or to automate processes using our software solutions. We will be happy to advise you.
Design your access and exit processes!
The possibilities are as varied as your areas of application – decide which hardware components and which software solutions you need for your requirements.