External company management .EXTERNAL

Individual and flexible management, control and documentation of contractor processes.
.secure.EXTERNAL – short description of contractor management
The .EXTERNAL application, in conjunction with existing IT systems, offers the possibility to control the high requirements for the administration of external persons on the basis of digitized processes. The web-based application also enables the associated order, authorization and administration processes to be mapped transparently and reliably in the respective operational environment.
More than ever, companies are buying in external service providers such as craftsmen, logistics specialists, consultants or specialists. For corporate security and those responsible for access, this means that more and more external persons are on company premises and often have independent access to rooms, information and IT infrastructures, the control and supervision of which should by no means be left to chance.
With .EXTERRNAL, the groups of people involved can be easily managed through stored rules. In addition, it can be transparently traced at any time when which external company employee was or is in your company and which areas were or are accessible to them.
.EXTERNAL supports you in managing your contractor processes – seamlessly, transparently and completely rule-based.
Integration with the Outlook calendar system
The existing infrastructure in your company remains unchanged and your employees can create their appointments as usual in Outlook or other calendar systems and pre-register your visitors at the same time.
Full hardware support
You don’t have to worry about your hardware at all, because the software interfaces with all hardware systems. In concrete terms, this means that everything stays the same for you – we take care of the rest and optimize the processes!
Control via event and person types
The categorization into and control of different event types and groups of people helps your company to receive visitors in the best possible way and to manage stored rights in an automated and rule-based way.
Automated triggering of follow-up processes
Based on the predefined rules and permissions, all entities involved in the visitor workflow are automatically notified about the actions to be performed. There is an up-to-date and constant transfer of all relevant information to the responsible departments.