Time slot bookings #TimeSlot

Secure and reliable provision and management of digital identities for the unique identification of natural persons.

The efficient management of deliveries and pickups and the associated scheduling of incoming and outgoing vehicles is a major challenge within your logistics processes. With the smart software solution #TimeSlot for resource management of your time slots per delivery and pick-up ramp, you optimize your logistics process, reduce the residence time of the vehicles and thus save time and costs!
With this solution from gis, you will succeed in managing time slots optimally and integrated into operational processes. Here, you have the freedom to decide which of the applications, processes and technologies you already use you want to continue using. Time slot booking via #TimeSlot allows carriers who want to schedule deliveries or pickups with you to book time slots directly through the browser-based application. Within the time slot bookings, all free time slots as well as their own bookings are visible for the external service providers. You decide whether these bookings are accepted directly or whether they reach you as an inquiry that is subject to an approval workflow! As part of #TimeSlot, a comprehensive administration application is available to you as the client. Time slot management can be this simple and straightforward with #TimeSlot!