Provide photos & order employee cards #FotoApp
Provide professional photos for employee IDs or cards, IT systems, or any occasion.

Order employee cards with the #FotoApp
The #FotoApp provides users with an optimal solution for completely self-service delivery of personal photos.
This means that nothing stands in the way of automating processes such as ordering a personal ID photo for RFID cards or chip cards, providing a visitor’s pass with a picture, or introducing standardized profile pictures!

AI supports at every point
The person is cropped using AI algorithms and placed in the ideal size and position on the photo. The background is freely definable and testing methods guarantee the quality of the photo.
Quickly provided
Users take selfies directly via the camera or select pictures from the gallery. Anyone can provide images for themselves or others with just a few clicks – through simple and intuitive condition of the app.
Optimized digital processes
The #FotoApp service reduces time, effort, complexity, saves costs and
reduces communication – by simply providing photos via the app.

AI supports at every point
The person is cropped using AI algorithms and placed in the ideal size and position on the photo. The background is freely definable and testing methods guarantee the quality of the photo.

Quickly provided
Users take selfies directly via the camera or select pictures from the gallery. Anyone can provide images for themselves or others with just a few clicks – through simple and intuitive condition of the app.

Optimized digital processes
The #FotoApp service reduces time, effort, complexity, saves costs and
reduces communication – by simply providing photos via the app.
Order employee cards with the #FotoApp. Four steps to the goal:

Person öffnet die App, logged sich ein, wählt ein Foto aus der Galerie oder verwendet die Kamera zur Aufnahme.
Image is uploaded and edited: scaled, normalized, validated, cropped, and set to background.
Use of the image as well as the information for card
production: personalization, internal/external production, shipping, activation, etc.
Activation of the card via the app: request of a pin code, forwarding of the activation to access systems, if necessary information to the responsible person.