The project – instruction, visit and logistics processes for an industrial park
Hundreds of people go in and out of this 35-acre industrial park every day, including employees of external service providers, truck drivers, tradesmen and visitors. The focus of our project is on the optimization of the visit and instruction processes as well as the management of accesses and entrances, especially logistics processes.
By using our process solutions and applications
Die 10 ansässigen Unternehmen beschäftigen insgesamt ca. 1.200 Mitarbeiter. Zudem gehen jährlich ca. 20.000 externe Personen ein und aus, welche eine Unterweisung absolvieren müssen, um das Gelände betreten zu dürfen. Die Zutritts- Logistik und Zutrittsprozesse wurden über verschieden Softwareanwendungen dezentral gesteuert. Die Unterweisungs- und Besuchsprozesse wurden papierbasiert dokumentiert.
Es werden verschiedene Zutrittssysteme eingesetzt, die dezentral verwaltet wurden.
- Digitization and optimization of visit processes
- Central control of RFID badge issuance and access authorizations
- Visitor ticket printing
- Audit-proof documentation of the individual processes
- Careful and detailed familiarization with the topics and close project coordination
- Determination of the required measures, processes and software solutions
- Realistic project planning under the given circumstances
- Close coordination between customer and gis
- Simple user interface and user guidance in several languages in consideration of the user groups
- Flexible process control and integration options in operational IT environment
- Reliable support when problems occur
- Regular expansion and adaptation of the products
- Management Platform. secure
- Instruction management .Certify
- Visitor management .VISIT
- Access management .ACCESS
- Facility Management .FM
- Organization management .OM